
Register Early!

Advance registration helps us prepare by arranging sufficient staff, planning events, and ensuring we have all the necessary supplies. Register early to reserve your sessions and contribute to a smoother camp experience for everyone.
Contact Trailhead Director with any questions. Richard Byle at
Mark your calendars for the 24th AdvanceCamp, taking place on September 27-28, 2024 at the Solano County Fairgrounds.

Registration opens June 1st.

advance camp photo
Knots and Lashings
advance camp photo
First Aid
advance camp photo
Flag Folding/Raising
advance camp photo
Knives and Axes

Available Advancements

Make progress on your scouting journey! The following requirements can be met during the Trailhead event:

Scout1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 4a, 4b, 5 , 6
Tenderfoot 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 4a, 4b, 7a, 8
Second Class2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2f, 2g, 3a 2,5 , 3d, 4 6 , 5b 7 , 5c 7 , 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 6e, 8b
First Class3a, 3b, 3c, 4a 2,3,5 , 4b, 5a 6 , 6a 7 , 6e 7 , 7a, 7b, 7c, 9a

What Scouts Need

  • 1 – Scouts (and their leaders) should look over the requirements they need before
  • 2 – Navigation (Map & Compass and Orienteering) 2 ND Class 3a - Each Scout should bring a compass. If you don’t have a compass, we cannot sign off your card.
  • 3 – Navigation (Orienteering) 2 nd Class 3a is a pre-requisite for 1 st Class 4a.
  • 4 – Navigation (GPS) 2 nd Class 3a is a pre-requisite for 1 st Class 4b.
  • 5 – Navigation (Map & Compass, Orienteering and GPS) are 1 ½ hour sessions.
  • 6 – Scouts need to bring a notebook, pencil and a camera or a phone that has a camera in it to record notes and images of the specimens per the requirements.
  • 7 – Swimming (2 nd Class 5b, 5c, 1 st Class 6a, 6e) is offered in the afternoon only (1-4PM). These are not swimming lessons. Scouts should know how to swim. Scouts going to swimming must be at the bus stop by 12:45 PM. An adult leader must accompany their scout(s) going to and from swimming. Scouts cannot just be dropped off at the bus stop.

The most heavily attended stations are:



This station will cover the Scout, Tenderfoot, 2nd and 1st Class knot and lashing requirements. Scouts will receive pieces of rope for whipping and fusing. They will keep these as proof of completing the requirements.

KNIFE, AXE and FIRE Station

This station will cover the Scout, Tenderfoot, and 2nd Class tools requirements.


This station will cover the Tenderfoot, 2nd, and 1st Class first aid requirements. There will be Heimlich Maneuver and CPR Dummies for practicing those skills along with bandages and splints.


This station will cover the Tenderfoot and 2nd Class requirements for the U.S. Flag and the 1st Class requirement for meeting with a community leader.


This station will cover Map and Compass, Finding your way without a compass, Orienteering, and GPS requirements. Scouts must bring their own compass.


This station will cover the Scout requirements for the Scout Oath, Law, and more.


This station will cover the Tenderfoot requirement for identifying poisonous plants, 2nd Class requirement for identifying animals, birds, mammals, and more, and 1st Class requirement for identifying native plants. Scouts need to have a notebook, pencil, and camera or a device to record information about the specimens.

Trailhead Volunteers will teach the skills and provide a scorecard of the taught skills related to requirements. Troop leadership is responsible for verifying and signing off the accomplishment in the Scout's handbook. Scoutmasters are requested to be available for Scoutmaster conferences for their Scouts, either during the camp or as soon as possible after camp.

Trailhead Volunteers and Troop Leaders

Trailhead Volunteers will teach the necessary skills and provide a spreadsheet of the skills related to the requirements. However, troop leadership is responsible for signing off the accomplishments in each Scout's handbook.

Scoutmasters, please be available for Scoutmaster conferences for your Scouts, either during the camp or as soon as possible afterward.

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