Merit Badge Requirements

Merit BadgeMin. Age:Min. GradeMin. Rank:Prerequisites
American Business13 Yrs +8th +
Archery1 & 4 on worksheet before camp; permission slip (Partial: Blue Card & Permission slip)
Art4,5. Class going on trip to museum.
Astronomy (Meet Fri Night 9p @ Flag Area on Map)4c, 5d (just in case it is a cloudy night for 4c; can be completed at home)
Automotive Maintenance
Bird Study5-7 & Bring a bird study book
BuglingHave a bugle and be able to play all the bugle calls from memory
Camping12 Yrs +7th +1st ClassAll up to requirement 9, 10 must be completed after camp (Blue Card signed) Not for first year Scouts
Canoeing6th +Swim Test (Pass or Fail) - Required
Chemistry7th +
Citizenship in the Community7th +2nd Class+2 a & b(Bring Map to Camp), 3a (Can be Video (take notes)), 4,7,8
Citizenship in the Nation14 Yrs +9th +3 & 8 Completed. 2 must be completed after Camp. Permission slip required. Requirement 3 partial.
Citizenship in the World13 Yrs +8th +Star3a & 7 Required
Climbing12 Yrs +Completed requirements 1-9 prior to class
Communication13 Yrs +8th +1, 3 & 8
Cooking12 Yrs +7th +1st ClassAll except #5 done prior to camp
Emergency Preparedness12 Yrs +7th +2nd Class1, 2b, 7a, 7b, 8
Energy8th +
Environmental Science13 Yrs +8th +Star3e (Homework- prior to Camp)
Family Life8th +1st Class3, 4, 5
First Aid13 Yrs +Star2D
Fish and Wildlife Management6th +5,7 (Homework)
Forestry6th +5,6 (Homework)
Geology6th +None
Indian Lore
Law13 Yrs +8th +1st Class+4, 6(A or B), & 7
Leather Working
Lifesaving13 Yrs +Evidence of completion of Swimming MB prior to camp; ability to swim continuously 400 yards in a strong manner; bring shoes, socks, sweatpants and sweatshirt to complete Req 9.
Mammal StudyRead the Merit Badge pamphlet
Mining in SocietyReq #2
Nuclear Science13 Yrs +# 3
Personal Fitness1a, 7,8,9
Personal Management13 Yrs +1,2,8,9,10
Plumbing13 Yrs +Permission slip & proper clothing required (Long Sleeve Shirts / Close Toe Shoes NOT CLASS A's)
Programing1a, 5
Reptile & Amphibian StudiesRead booklet; Complete 8,9
Robotics13 Yrs +6,7
Sustainability13 Yrs +8th +1st Class+#1; 2: Water, A: Stuff, A & B or C; Energy, A & B or C;4, 5 - if 1-4 are complete
SwimmingMust be able to pass BSA swim test
Welding13 Yrs +Permission slip & proper clothing required (Long Sleeve Shirts / Close Toe Shoes NOT CLASS A's)
Wilderness Survival2nd Class+Scouts Doing Overnight Need to Check in By Registration for Overnight Activity between 7p-10p.
Wood CarvingTotin Chip / Bring your Own Knife for Sharpening
PartialsBring Blue Card & Worksheet with Proof of completion - see website
Trailhead SwimBring 2nd set of clothes. Must already know how to swim (not a swim class)
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